Onekey Recovery 7.0 Engineering Iso Torrent

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Please download the bootable ISO file of 'Onekey Recovery 7.0 Engineering' from here Moderator Note; link removed its a size of 785 MB so you need to burn this on a DVD. Just boot from this DVD and Chose for an Option 2 in your case. Further when prompted for language selection please select your preferred language.

5 is for US English. It will create the LENOVOPART partition of the factory default size of 14.26 GB (15000 MB) and will shut down. Now your OKR (NOVO) button of your laptop is fully functional. Since this LENOVOPART parition is newly created so at present this does not have any recovery OS. But as soon as you press your NOVO button first time after creation of this partition, it will start backing up of your present OS which is installed on C Drive and will be saved automatically in this OEM reserved partition.


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When finished your OKR or NOVO button has every option as it had when you bought from factory. Please remember each time your boot from this DVD and chose for option 2 it will recreate a fresh lenovo-part partition formating the earlier one and on first press of novo button it will backup your installed OS and everything with that OS to this LENOVOPART partition. This DVD has three option. Install OKR 7.0 (Clean Partition), 2. Install OKR 7.0 (Not clean Partition), 3. All three option has different function. Option 1 will delete your entire HDD and will recreate partiton C and D and one OEM reserved (LENOVOPART) partition.

C drive will be primary partition while D drive will be logical partiton. It does not make 100 MB of system reserved parition. But you can customize you visible partition using Windows 7 DVD while installing it as under OKR option 1 your HDD has no OS installed. So delete the C and D drive using windows 7 DVD and Create partiton of C and D with one automatically creatred 100 MB system reserved partiton. Now your both C and D drive are of primary parition. ( I prefer primary parition over logical one).

Install your prefered version of windows7 and all your required software, antivirus and make it complete. But remember that your C drive should be filled with less then 30 GB preferebly. Now once again boot from OKR DVD and this thime chosee for option 2 and let it complete and shut down. Now press the NOVO button under shu down state. It will start to backup your entire C drive to this OEM reserved partiton. Let it complete.

Now you have fully functional novo button with the OS recovery of your choice. Factory come has many unwanted blotware. OKR option 3.

(fix ASD): when your HDD has this oem reserved parition of lenovopart but still your novo (OKR) buuton is not working then boot from this OKR DVD and chose for option 3 and your novo button will start working. Warren g funk g era download zip line. Hope this guide will save a lot of lenovo users who accidentely did wrong with this OEM reserved parition. Moderator note; picture(s) totalling 50K converted to link(s). Hello krypton, this OKR system install does not have operating system. Hope you have windows 7 DVD. This OKR engineering software installs and make the OEM reserved parition (LENOVOPART) and making system recovery of your own customised operating system.

Yes once you have booted from OKR DVD and chosen for option 2 it will create oem reserved partition and will shut down. And after shut down when you press the novo button of your laptop it will create backup of your system recovery. And after this you do not need any recovery DVD. Just shutdown your system and press the novo button.

It will start booting OKR from this OEM reserved parition and a screen will be prompted before you if you want to restore your C drive from initial backup. It will restore your system parition as it was when you backed-up it. Downloading OKR program from lenovo site has nothing to do with it.

I mean offcourse you can download it. Further why restricted to lenovo only when it is availabe on many sites. Just google it and many links. Moderator note; picture(s) totalling 50K converted to link(s). Yes krypton, you can install 64 bits edition of windows 7. In fact you will surely need to install windows 7 using your windows 7 x64 DVD.

Further, it supports only 4 partitions. OEM reserved partition (LENOVOPART) is must. So you have option to create 3 partitions. If you create one the 100 MB system reserved partition then you are left with only 2 partitions in your hand to use for storage.


But if you do not create 100 MB system reserved partitions then you can create three visible partitions C, D and E. It is up to you. Remember Windows 7 DVD will always create a 100 mb system reserved partition if you do not know trick. (but you are advised to create this system reserved partition pof 100 MB) otherwise please use any third party partitoning tool to create three visible partitions. Best one is Vista DVD, it does not create 100 MB system reserved partition while creating partitions os you can easily create C, D and E paritrions for you use. C for your windows 7 ultimate x64 bits OS.

Hope everything is clear now. Have a nice day. Hi all, So if I want to resize my partitions AND keep the recovery functionallity with the factory settings (don't have CD of Windows), are these below steps enough?: 1) Restore with OKR to factory configuration 2) Install Acronis True image (is there a way to make an image with Acronis without installling it? / portable version?) 3) Create Acronis bootable media 4) Make image of your C drive with Acronis - store on external HDD 4) Resize partitions C and D (fdisk?) 5) Restore with the image created previously with Acronis on C (use Acronis bootable media) 6) Use the OKR Lenovo tool to recreate all the partitions needed by OKR (select option 2) - will create backup of C drive aka factory configuration + Acronis 7) Done? Have a nice day!